Hi Nomads. We will not have staking of NNI on XT.

14 Apr 2022, 11:53
Hi Nomads! We will not have staking of NNI on XT.com. We'll have staking on NeoNomad Xchange, and you can access the staking guide here > https://docs.neonomad.finance/neonomad-documentation/defi-tutorials/staking-step-by-step-guide We want to provide our Nomad community with the highest returns on staking. We'll launch our staking as soon as we receive our code audit reports, which are in progress now. We applied for audits as soon as our code was ready, and we want to get those reports back before we roll out our DeFi products like staking so we can roll them out with confidence :) We appreciate you all for being part of the Nomad community and we can't wait to continue growing and building our ecosystem with you. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we finalise our products and get them ready for you. We're building a long-term ecosystem with an ambitious vision and those who come alongside us for the long-run won't regret it. Our DeFi products are coming soon, so get ready to grow your NNI🚀 In the meantime, you can trade NNI across the Serum network and on XT.com, and you can buy and swap NNI on our Swaps page 🤩 https://app.neonomad.exchange/swap/